Helping Your Young Child Build A Positive Self-Image With Words of Affirmation
/Today's blog post discusses the power of words of affirmation in parenting. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and verbalizing positive qualities in our children and how it can build their self-esteem and self-image.
Read MoreBreaking Free from the "Look, Mommy!" Loop: Building Independent Play Skills
/If you have a child who constantly seeks attention and feedback, you might think they’ll never play independently. Try these simple tips…
Read MoreFeeling Like a 'Bad Parent'? Here's Why You're Not - and One Simple Trick to Boost Your Kid's Independence
/Feeling Like a 'Bad Parent'? Here's Why You're Not - and One Simple Trick to Boost Your Kid's Independence
Read MoreMastering Kid Cooperation: Why Threats and Bribes Fail & Effective Strategies That Work
/A few reasons our knee-jerk reactions to getting kids to cooperate won’t work, and what to do instead…
Read MoreHow You Praise Your Child Matters...But Not That Much
/Praise is getting a bad rap. Let's talk about it.
Read MoreForced Family Fun Day: Why I Insist on Together Time Even When My Teens Don't Want
/(a glimpse into parenting teens and my go-to resource)
Read MoreWhat is the After-School Restraint Collapse and How to Prepare for It
/How to handle transitioning back to school and all of the emotions that come along with it.
Read MoreNurturing Independence: A Month of Growth for Kids (and My Unfiltered Thoughts on Going Back-to-School)
/6 ideas to build your child’s sense of self and grow their independence (little and big kid edition)/ 4 honest thoughts about back to school as a mom of 3
Read MoreDinner at 3pm?
/Ways to make school lunch easier for your newbie/ a lunchbox that’ll last until your kid loses it/ a side-by-side comparison of lunchboxes/ why I used to feed my kids dinner at 3pm
Read MoreNurturing Self-Directed Play: How to Inspire Your Child's Independence
/Learn how to nurture your child's self-directed play with these practical strategies. From observing their interests to creating engaging play invitations, discover how to support your 2-8 year old's independent play skills at home and outdoors.
Read MoreRough & Tumble Play: Why It's Vital for Kids and How to Guide It Safely
/Research shows that rough-and-tumble play helps kids learn to regulate and manage emotions… How to manage when things get too rough.
Read MoreThe Magic Pause: A Tip for Raising Independent Kids
/This one tip can help you raise independent kids.
Read MoreIs Your Child Ready for a Successful Quiet Time Today?
/Have you ever noticed that despite a solid routine, there are just some days when you know your child is not going to have a successful quiet time? There’s a good reason and it is completely solvable.
Read MoreHow Ten Minutes Can Impact Your Child’s Whole Day
/What if I told you that there was a SMALL thing you could do right now that would make a MASSIVE difference in how the day goes for your child and you?
Read MoreWaiting in Line with Kids? Try These 11 Fun Games
/We've all been there - stuck in a seemingly endless line at the grocery store, bank, or doctor's office with restless kids in tow. Instead of resorting to screens or melting down from boredom, try engaging your little ones with these simple, on-the-spot games.
Read MoreFostering Resilience: Helping Kids Cope with Disappointment
/Instead of fixing your child’s feelings, help them find ways to cope with what they’re experiencing.
Read More5 Reasons to Let Your Kids Be Barefoot
/Let's talk about the benefits of letting your kids play barefoot, including improved foot and leg strength, sensory stimulation, and better balance and coordination skills. While some adults may raise eyebrows or disapprove, science-backed data shows that going barefoot can contribute to healthy physical and cognitive development.
Read MoreHow Declining Play Can Benefit Your Child (and You)
/How to Set Limits and Encourage Independent Play with Your Child
Read MoreHelping Your Child Cope with Waiting: Strategies and Book Ideas
/It is so hard to wait. Read this for tips.
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