
You guys, we had a yelling, screaming morning.  It was total chaos. When everyone left, I took a second to breathe and think about how it could’ve gone differently. (Let’s just say…. Sloane was having a six-year-old tantrum and I met her tantrum and raised her one forty-year-old mama tantrum.)

For me, staying present and centered is usually the answer to whatever issue I am struggling with at the moment with one or all three of my kids.  Regardless of the context, I know my children are begging me to SEE them and HEAR them.  When they are misbehaving or whining or refusing to get dressed…. they want me to be in their struggle.  They need me to acknowledge it. This being said, It doesn’t mean we have to bend on the limit that we’ve already set.  It does not mean that they don’t have to finish that homework or put on their shoes. It does mean that if we can step out of the immediate chaos of the tantrum and just look our children in the eyes and hug them, even if its only for a minute, it really helps. 

You know what else helps? Knowing that it’s not about you or your parenting.  Kids need to struggle. They need to tantrum.  When we can control our impulse to join the yelling and carrying on, the difference is tremendous.  When we can stay calm under the pressure of their emotions, everyone wins. 

I am certainly not saying that I’m always capable of this kind of parenting, but when I can muster it up, it REALLY helps.  This morning was total chaos in our house. I jumped right into the mess.  Next time, I will try harder. 

Here’s the thing. Sometimes we all need help. When I need help in the parenting department I often turn to books. I return to the same favorites I’ve read in years past. Even just skimming helps jog my memory and get back in a better head space.

There are so many phenomenal books and podcasts out there. Today I am sharing my personal favorites with you.

My favorite podcast for family related inspiration is The Simple Families Podcast, hosted by Denaye Barahona, P.H.D. (She even interviewed me HERE about choosing great toys!)

Top Five Parenting Books:

Below are the parenting books that i find myself returning to again and again. (The Louise Bates Ames book is just an example. She has an entire series and I LOVE it.)

So, tell me, how do you help yourself when your kids are losing their minds and you are about to lose yours too? 

I hope you found this post helpful.  If you want to hear more from me, please be sure to subscribe to my blog and join the conversation over on Instagram.  


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Why I Juice with my Kids and Our Favorite Recipe for Yummy Green Juice


Juicing with Kids

We love to make juice! Here's why. 

We have been on a big juicing kick lately and with cold and flu season upon us, I am going to try to keep it up! I don’t know a whole lot about juicing, but I am happy to share our family’s experience with you. 

The Top Five Reasons I Juice with my Kids:

1. Do your children eat the recommended daily servings of green leafy vegetables? Mine don’t.  In fact, I don’t even know what the recommended amount is.  When we juice, I know my kids are consuming a lot more greens than they could fit on a plate, let alone eat. 

2. It’s really fun.  They love squishing the food down the hatch and watching the juice pour through and the pulp snake out.  My guys also have a tendency to much along the way (more goodness consumed).

3. It’s a delicious way to boost energy and consume a mega-punch of vitamins and nutrients.

4. Much like any kind of cooking, juicing is an activity that can be extended into all kinds of learning.  There is math, science, literacy, sensory learning, language, etc. 

5. Making and enjoying the juice lends itself to a great sense of accomplishment. I feel like an awesome mom for hanging with my kids and producing something mega-healthy. The children are so excited to share the juice they save for Daddy when he gets home.  Plus, they see how they turned a huge pile of fruits and veggies into a beautiful, yummy product.  

Our Recipe

Pineapple, kiwi, green apple, orange and/or lemon, celery, spinach, kale/collards.


We have developed a favorite recipe over the years. There are a million great ones out there, but here is our standard:

Pineapple (no skin)

Kiwi (no skin)

Green Apple

Lemon or Orange (no skin, leave on white pith)



Kale/ collards

We use whatever is on hand and in varying amounts.  If your kids are new to juicing, start out heavier on the fruit and lighter on the greens.  You can up the green factor each time you juice. 

Do you like to juice with your crew? Do you have a favorite website for juicing or a favorite recipe? Share it in the comments below.  


Thanks for reading! -Lizzie