High Impact, Low Effort Ways To Connect With Your Kids
/Do you ever feel completely blahhh about motherhood?
I do. I’m pretty sure everyone does.
Disconnectedness usually leads to an uptick in crappy behavior from the kids (hello attention seeking) and irritability from mom.
Kids need to feel connected in order to behave. Parents often struggle to connect when kids are feeling needy and using attention seeking behaviors like whining, hitting or clinginess.
Try setting a ten minute timer and doing one of the below activities for a few days this week.
Any activity that you can do one-on-one with your child is a great option. They ask you to play with them because they want to be near you. They want your attention. Reading books, coloring and playing games are all great ways of achieving this.
If you’re cooking dinner and don’t have time to “play” at that moment, redefine play as a connection. Connect by offering a simple task that will lead to a shared accomplishment. For example, let them sort some veggies or wipe down a bowl. Can they set the table? Maybe they want to color special place tags for dinner. Think creatively about how they can help without making things harder for you.
If you are busy, and can’t connect in the moment. That’s okay. Tell them when you will be available and follow through. Remember it’s better to be all in for short periods of time than, half-in all the time.
Here are some books and activity items that I love for some one-on-one quality time with the kids!
This downloadable ebook is your personal guide to Quiet Time and Independent Play. This ebook will teach you the basic steps to implementing a Quiet Time and Independent Play strategy that works. The guide teaches you my proven 5 step method for implementing a daily break without using screens. (Guide includes 5 bonus invitations to play.)
Are you ready to get your big kids (six through teen) back to play? 5 Basic Materials turned into 25 irresistible play prompts for your big kids. …Because play should be simple. Even when your littles are big.
Tip on how to start small and keep it simple, along with ideas for materials to include. Create a magical space for your kids to play.