Halloween Finds
/My favorite Halloween finds from across the internet… BOO!
Ghost Napkins / Halloween Surprise Balls / Ghost Paper Plates / Halloween Tassel Garland / Witch Doll / Halloween Pennant Flags / Halloween Print Cotton Pajamas / Mummy Print Cotton Pajamas / Ghost Print Cotton Pajamas / Fabric Pumpkin Set / Halloween Playdough / Frankenstein To-Go Cups / Halloween Cookie Cutters / DIY Halloween Bracelets / Pumpkin Snack Cups / Halloween Bath Bombs / Halloween Mug Set / Ghost Pillow / Fuzzy Ghost Pillow / Trick Trick Trick or Treat TShirt / Creep It Real TShirt / Spooky Season TShirt / Let’s Go Ghouls TShirt / Halloween Hair Clips / Halloween Coloring Table Cover
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The Big Kid Play Plan
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Quiet Time and Independent Play
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Tip on how to start small and keep it simple, along with ideas for materials to include. Create a magical space for your kids to play.