Creating Without Directions: The Value of Process Art for Children
/When you think of art with children, you probably think about a “craft”. With crafting, there are specific instructions, materials, and a desired outcome. There is a certain age range for a project and there is a beginning, middle and an end.
When I think about art for children, I think about the process. I think about materials that offer a range of experiences, and how children in different stages in their development will interact with the materials.
One of my favorite ways to unwind is by setting out a snack and a simple invitation to create.
Gathering your kids at the table, even if it is only for a few moments is valuable. The goal is to provide a moment of connection .
This simple activity takes only moments to set up, but provides hours of creating for a large age range of children. It is not messy and can be “grazed” on, as the children see fit. There are no directions. The children interact with the materials and create in any way they want.
Tempera Cakes / Oil Pastels / Artist Tray / Brushes / Roll Paper
First, roll out your butcher paper and cover the table. Tape it down for stability.
Next, Find a large tray or book and trace rectangles onto the paper.
Why? Sometimes a defined space is more welcoming for children to dive into than a large blank slate. It also makes a unique, open ended canvas for creating.
Set out your paints and oil pastels and a jar of water and brushes. Keep a towel handy for any spills.
Prime your paints by pouring water directly onto the tempera cakes. Allow your child to experiment with the materials. You don’t need to give instructions or micro manage the work they are creating.
In fact, claim a rectangle for yourself and get lost in the oil pastel. They are so satisfying to rub across the paper.
Let your child discover the paint-resist on their own. You do not need to rush in and show them. They joy is in the discovery!
Teach your child to swish their brush five times around the paint cake in order to get a rich and vibrant swash of paint.
Prime your paints by pouring water directly onto the cake prior to use
Put on some chill background music to set the mood.
Let your child work at his own pace. He might work for a few moments and wander away, then return again in a little while.
Use materials you already own. You can adapt this activity in multiple ways to fit your needs. Feel free to set this up with crayons instead of paint.
REMEMBER: Art does not need to be complicated to be valuable.
I hope you found this post helpful.
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