3 Things to Tell Yourself When You Feel Like A Sh*t Parent
/We all doubt our parenting capabilities sometimes. There will always be a sense of hesitation and a lack of certainty around parenting. There is not one parent out there who can say with one hundred percent certainty that they have not made any mistakes.
Parenting is hard. Night wakings and poopy diapers are intense. Not knowing whether to sleep-train or co-sleep, whether to feed with breast or bottle. IT’S. NEVER. ENDING. I’ve been a mom for thirteen years. I have a Master’s Degree and lots of early childhood experience. I’m a mom to three children and an aunt to nine. I’m pretty good with kids and I know a lot about play and development. But, let me tell you…. IT IS STILL NEVER-ENDING. The parenting decisions that we make every single day can be insurmountable. We are lucky to have choices, even when they might feel overwhelming.
Here is what I tell myself when I am feeling like a less than stellar parent…
I am a good and capable mom because I love my children and I make choices with their best interests in my heart.
It is okay to make mistakes.
I’m teaching my children that perfection does not exist in a healthy and happy experience.
When I mess up, which is pretty much every day, I say to them…. I am still learning about being YOUR mom. I am still learning about how to take care of YOU. I don’t always make the right choices.
Every child is different and every person’s experience as a parent is different. It’s okay to experience some self-doubt. My goal is to become comfortable feeling a little bit uncomfortable. That’s when I know I am on my toes and growth is happening.
I wish for all of you to know that whether your child is sitting and eating cheetos in front of the TV or hand-sewing while eating organic brussel sprouts that they grew themselves, I think you are a good mom.
If you show up for your child and you love them, YOU ARE A GOOD PARENT.
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