I’m so pleased to announce a partnership between our TWFC community and the community @foster.parenting to provide support gifts for current and former foster youth for the holidays. The gifts are meant to be things that kids/teens actually want, and to help them feel valued and supported during the holiday season. Transition age youth face financial hardships that make it very difficult to have available funds for the holiday season. Many also do not have families to go home to during the holiday season and spend their holiday on campuses, which can be lonely or isolating. Many youth that are separated from bio families experience a sharp decline in mental health, depression, sadness, anxiety, isolation, etc., which is especially true during the holiday season.
Last year, our Workspace Community and Laura’s community were able to make an incredible impact for foster youth. Let’s do it again!!
Here is how it works:
Click on the wishlist and it will take you directly to Amazon. Amazon will ship items directly to Arts Film and Goods Pantry Foundation, who will distribute the gifts.
Thank you in advance for your generosity this holiday season, and always.
x Lizzie and Laura