the Workspace for Children

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Inspired by one of my favorite accounts, @mamapapabubba, I made Sloane this simple salt tray to practice her writing. Want to know how? It took 2 seconds (well, not really, but it felt fast and easy😜)

1. I poured salt in 2 small bowls.

2. Added a squirt of neon watercolor into each and mixed it.

3. Let dry (I dried mine in a low oven because I’m impatient.) 4. Mix the colors together on a clear tray and put it on the light table 💫

It was pretty impossible to resist. All three kids were writing and designing (and fighting and elbowing for space around the tray). How will you inspire learning in your home or classroom today? .

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Want to know more about salt tray learning? Pop over to Jen’s Blog to learn more.

Happy Playing!
